Wednesday, 3 June 2015

EXP 3 Mashup article


I don’t want ordinary people to think architects only ever propose weird, non-functional and absurd design. We shape our architecture to goals with high levels of interconnectedness. In soliciting extravagant designs, they inevitably solicit extravagant public expenditure.

We live in an era that elevates openness and connections. We want our lives to be full of experience and information. With cost-effective software and hardware, and the collaborative possibility given by the internet and social media, the creation of exquisite, evocative, often atmospheric imagery can be made that communicates the mood, the experience, the visceral feel of the design.

Daylight improves learning in school, improves productivity in workplaces, and improves psychological wellbeing nearly everywhere. Workplaces provide plentiful opportunities for meaningful interactions where daylight brings dynamism to static structure, imbuing buildings with a sense of time.


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